Content types
Biodesign accepts original research articles as well as review articles. An original research article describes a high quality study that is of general interest to the structural and molecular biology and biologicallyinspired design community. Research articles are normally 6–8 printed journal pages. The main text including Introduction, Results, Discussion and Methods is normally no more than 5,000 words. Abstract with around 150 words is required before the Introduction section. Abstract does not contain references. Display items (figures and/or tables) are normally limited up to 8 items. Results can be divided with several subheadings. References are limited to 50. Articles include received/accepted dates and may be accompanied by supplementary information. Research articles are peer-reviewed by more than two specialists in the field.
A review article is an authoritative and balanced overview of recent developments with significant impacts in the research fields described in Aims and Scopes. Review articles are normally 6–10 printed journal pages. The main text consists of Introduction followed by topical headings. Subheadings or section numbers are not allowed in a review article. Conclusion or Prospect is recommended at the end of the main text. Abstract with around 150 words is required before Introduction. Abstract does not contain references. The main text is normally no more than 6,000 words. Display items (figures and/or tables) are normally limited up to 10 items. References are limited to 150. Unpublished research data should not be included in review articles. Review articles undergo the same peer review process as research articles.
How to submit
Manuscripts may be submitted through website ( or by e-mail to either Editor or a member of the editorial board. Authors should create a single PDF file containing Title, Abstract, the main text, Tables, Figure legends, References, and Figures. The cover letter with a short statement of significance of the research/or review article should accompany with the manuscript PDF file. Suggestions for potential reviewers or excluded reviewers are recommended. Once a manuscript is received by the editorial office via an editorial board member, a manuscript number is issued, and review process begins. Revised manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the editorial board member who handles the manuscript.
Submission policies
Manuscripts submitted to Biodesign must not contain significant overlap with any other materials (manuscripts or papers) from the same authors under consideration elsewhere. If there are materials with overlap under consideration elsewhere, the authors must provide with the materials at the time of submission to Biodesign. If the authors were to submit a manuscript with overlap to other journals during the review process of Biodesign, the authors must send a copy of the manuscript to the Biodesign editorial board member who handles the manuscript. The primary affiliation for each author in the title page should be the place where the author carried out the majority of his or her parts of the work. If an author has moved after the work, his or her current address should be listed in the title page, too.
Preparing the manuscript
The manuscript text should be submitted in a single PDF file. The authors are encouraged to include Figures in the text PDF file. However, the high resolution figures may be asked by editorial staffs during the review or production stages. The order of the manuscript text file is as follows: a title page with author affiliations, the contact information of the corresponding author(s) (e-mail address and telephone number), Abstract, the main text sections for each content type (original research articles or review articles), Acknowledgments (optional), Figure legends, Tables, and References. The manuscript text file should use double space and single-column text formats. Pages should be numbered in the footnote region of each page. Standard fonts such as “Times new roman” or “Arial” fonts are recommended and “Symbol” font should be used for Greek characters and other symbols. The corresponding author(s) should be represented with an asterisk (*) in the author list of the title page. Affiliation and other identifications of authors (equal contribution, current address, and etc) are represented as numbers.
References are cited in the text using an author name and publication year. When there are more than two authors, the list is shorted as the first author’s family name plus et al. For the reference with two authors, family names of both authors are written. The publication year follows the author list. Only published or accepted papers are cited. Other information should be cited as “unpublished data” or “personal communication” with initials.
All references are listed at the end of the manuscript as alphabetical order of the first author’s last name and initials. If the first authors are same in more than one reference, the order goes with the second author. All authors should be included in the list until fifteen authors. If the author list exceeds fifteen, further authors are abbreviated by ‘et al’. Authors should be listed as the last name followed by a comma and initials. The author list is followed by the publication year, the title, journal name, volume, and page numbers. The journal name is abbreviated and italicized. Volume numbers are in bold. For the journal abbreviation, refer to Index Medicus.
Qureshi, S.T., Lariviere, L., Leveque, G., Clermont, S., Moore, K.J., Gros, P., and Malo, D. (1999). Endotoxin-tolerant mice have mutations in Toll-like receptor 4 (Tlr4). J Exp Med 189, 615-625.
Banica, F.-G. Chemical sensors and biosensors Ch.14 (Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012).
Conflict of interest
Authors must indicate whether there is a financial conflict of interest that may affect results or interpretation of their manuscript. Potential conflict of interest must be reported to the journal at the time of manuscript submission, and the information must be provided in the Author information section of the manuscript. The examples of financial conflict of interest may include employment by a company with related interest, significant stock ownership (more than 5%), or paid expert testimony.
Human and animal rights
For experiments on human subjects, authors must identify in the Methods section the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and indicate whether the experimental procedures were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 as revised in 2000. Authors must provide information on the informed consent obtained by human subjects, too. For experiments on animals, authors must indicate in the Methods section whether the institutional and national guidelines for laboratory animals were conformed.